Due to inclement weather, MCGA will be closed on Tuesday, February 13, 2024




The purpose of the Mount Carmel Guild Behavior Management System is to help students understand and develop positive, appropriate behavior.  The behavior system creates an overall structure to the program.  Students EARN points throughout the day for using appropriate, positive behavior.  These appropriate behaviors are known as “desired behaviors”.  Desired behavior charts are displayed in each classroom and thorough out the building.  Each student is required to carry and be responsible for a point card.  Earned points are recorded on the point card each period.

Parts to the Behavior Management System

There are two parts to the behavior system.  The first involves points, which students earn by using appropriate behaviors.  The second part involves a variety of reinforcers.  These reinforcers include an end of the day reward, an opportunity to purchase items at the school store once a week, and participation in Friday’s weekly all school incentive.  Special recognition for Level II and III students will be given at the weekly community meeting.

Beginning the Day

Grades PreK-8

      Point cards are totaled after the last period of the day.  Students are expected to work quietly at their desks (i.e. reading, drawing, beginning their homework), while the teacher/aide totals the point cards.

The teacher will call on students one at a time in order to tally the daily point card.  At this time the student will be given a reward if he/she has “made their day”.  The student is then expected to return to their desk and continue to work quietly until their bus is called.

Grades 9-12

      Students must go to their homerooms after their last period class (unless an alternate schedule is in place) and hand in their point cards to be totaled.  Students must remain in homeroom until dismissal.

Ending the Day

Grades PreK–8

Students begin to earn points as soon as they exit the bus. Students are expected to walk directly to the cafeteria or other designated area and sit with their class. A daily point card will be given to each student.  Breakfast will be given during this time followed by a community meeting.  Students are expected to follow the desired breakfast behaviors.  At the end of the community meeting each class will go directly to their classroom.

When all students are in class and sitting quietly, a class meeting may begin.  During this time students will be given feedback on their behavior.  The students are encouraged to set a daily goal for themselves, such as working on specific behaviors (i.e. getting along with others or accepting responsibility for their actions).  Students are also reinforced for their hard work and accomplishments of the previous day.

It is at this time that those students who have “made their day”, (the prior school day) will be given the opportunity to move up a step on the level chart.

Grades 9-12

     Students begin to earn points as soon as they exit the bus. Students are expected to walk directly to the cafeteria or other designated area and sit with their class. A daily point card will be given to each student.  Breakfast will be given during this time followed by a community meeting.  Students are expected to follow the desired breakfast behaviors.  At the end of the community meeting each class will go directly to their classroom.

Once the students have arrived and are sitting quietly the class meeting begins.  During this time feedback on how each student is doing is given.  The students are encouraged to set a daily goal for themselves, such as working on specific behaviors (i.e. getting along with others or accepting responsibility for their actions).  Students are also reinforced for their hard work and accomplishments of the previous day.


Students on Level I and Level II receive a new point card each day.  Students are expected to carry their point card with them throughout the school day. Desired behaviors and points earned for such behaviors are as follows

Desired Behavior

Level I Level II          
Being in the right place at the right time 1 pts 2 pts
Remaining in class/groups/activities 1 pts 2 pts
Preparation and Participation in class/groups/activities 3 pts 6 pts
Using appropriate language 2 pts 4 pts
Appropriate behavior (i.e. following directions getting along with others, respecting school property) 3 pts 6 pts

Desired Behavior :BREAKFAST / LUNCH

Level I Level II          
Sit/remain in assigned seat 2 pts 4 pts
Eat appropriately (i.e. use good manners, use appropriate utensils) 2 pts 4 pts
Behave appropriately 2 pts 4pts
Clean up after yourself 2 pts 4 pts
Appropriate language


2  pts 4 pts